Sunday, May 8, 2016

Graduation Speech


Finally it is over!  The school year is now over and we are getting out of here, but I guess it is a little sad leaving this small middle school.  I will probably miss my friends the most ( no offense Mrs.  Joyner).  I thanks everyone who got me through middle school like my family teachers and friends.  A message I would give to future graduates is don’t screw up.  I was almost on honor roll every year until 6th grade when I didn’t care what I got on my report card anymore.  But I discovered this year that I have to go to summer school and that is the last thing I want to do.  What I hope for in the future is eventually catch up in my math until I don’t need extra help anymore but also go on with life and just maybe go to college.  I always thought to myself that almost none of my family finished high school or college, why should I but that I was really stupid to think that because I don’t want to be like my parents, struggling with money issues,  stressed all the time, sending their kids to their grandparent’s house when she has to work on Saturdays and Sundays even though those are the days she is supposed to have fun with her kids.  I want to go to college and make so much money I could tell my Mom “relax and don’t worry bout a thing”.  I want to make my teachers happy, I want to make my family happy, I want everyone to know that I am not that dumb kid that doesn’t care about school but that smart kid that who turned out to be successful in life.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Grandma

My Grandma in my opinion is the best in the world because she always is there for me when I am sad, angry and depressed.  When I ask her to do something she does it in a flash and when ever I make a mistake, she tells me what I am doing wrong and how to do it right.  She always cooks for me, always lets me do stuff like hang with my friends and cares for me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dear Diary...

Dear Diary,

On my Birthday I something always happens to me.  I either get hurt, in trouble, or something else.
In this case I got hurt inside and on the outside.  June 25 2014, I was sitting on my bench outside where my party was.  I was watching Fifa world cup 2014.  Mexico vs. Netherlands.  It was 1-0.  Mexico was up by one.  All of a sudden Sneijder comes out of no where and scores.  Next you know their doing penalty kicks.  I did not want to look anymore.  Next thing you know Huntelaar scores.  I literally cried.  After that i went to go jump on the trampoline to get my mind of of it.  All of a sudden my 16 year old uncle came on and I was like "oh, great."  All I remember was him telling me "hey you want me to throw you into the air?"  I said OK because I didn't want to look like chicken.  So then he threw me and when i came down, I blacked out.  Next thing you know I am of of the trampoline and tears are running down my face.  Turns out when I came down I hit my Uncle's knee with my teeth, bounced of his knee and my cousin accidentally punched me.  Then I was tossed of the trampoline.  I lost a tooth, blood and my vision for like 10 seconds.  Greatest B-day of my life.

Field Trip

We went to the Holocaust Museum in Skokie.  First what we did there was go in a really cool room and our instructor told us to look around the room.  We saw a whole bunch of names.  They were in English and in different languages.  They were all the names of the survivors of the holocaust. Now it was not all of the names but they were the names of people who came here after the holocaust.  It was very cool.  Next we went to the paintings.  Their was one that was amazing.  It was a picture of a beautiful place that had a little farm and a little river.  You could never tell that it was a concentration camp.  After that we went to go check out more stuff from the Holocaust like a train cart that they put Jews in to take them to concentration camps.  It was really cramped when just a tiny amount of my group went inside it.  After that we went to go watch a movie about a German Nazi that came into Skokie and he was going to throw a parade for all the Germans and celebrate how many lives were taken.  Fortunately he was to scared to do it and it did not happen.  Then at the end a actual survivor came in and he told us about when he went to a camp named Auschwitz and it was tragic.  He even a tattoo on is arm.  Anyway that was my field trip it was fun and sad but I am grateful I got to go.

End of School and Beginning and end of Summer

At my school my graduation is in about 25 days, well not for me but anyway what I want to do is get good grades for the last quarter.  I have not done well for the last 3 quarters but I want to finally try on the last quarter.  Kind of dumb to try on the last quarter but that is my fault.  I want to get A's and B's and at least 2 C's.  I am expected to stay after school ends because of my grades so i guess I am going to summer school.  I did not do good so after summer school I will receive my diploma.  It's disappointing but again it's only my fault.  So anyway that's basically my Summer.  I hope you did good on your grades.

How to not be prepared for tests

Step 1: Burn all your pencils.  You can not have anything to write with or else they will give you the test.

Step 2: Do not show up to class on time.  It will probably make your teacher mad and he/she will send you               to the principal to talk to her.

Step 3: Just in case you accidentally fallow steps 1-2 bring your phone to class and search up the answers( I am pretty sure your teacher are to old to realize you are using your phone)

Step 4: I should have put this as the first step but try to miss school (try to get sick by letting someone thats sick breath on you)

Anyway those are my steps and they actually work  (I am just kidding)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Science blog

In science we are making a baby with gametes and mine is called Lamar.  Lamar the girl. of course it fake and we have to draw the baby on a piece of paper.  Lamar always get bullied in school.  He get bullied because he has 2 toes, big thumbs, square eyes, huge lips and a huge belly.  But the biggest reason he gets picked on is because he has the nose of a pig.  People call him a freak and an animal because of this.  He gets shoved in lockers, gets tripped by the bullies and  gets a daily beating at the end of every school day.  But the worst thing anyone has ever done to him is kidnap him, bring Lamar to his torture chamber, grab many knives and tortured him by sticking knifes into his thigh.  But finally Lamar stood up told his dad and felt great.  "Dad people are bulling me at school can you help me?" said Lamar.  Then the dad quickly responded "NO you deserve to be bullied look how ugly you are!".  Then Lamar was never seen again. THE END

Thursday, January 28, 2016


When I was young and I had nothing to do I would always go to McDonald's for chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce and I thought it tasted good.  I pretty much loved everything from McDonald's but the the chicken nuggets especially.  As life went on I kept on eating it, eating it and eating it and then one day my friend had shown me a video of how it was really made.  It made me gag.  I thought it was made of pure chicken but from the images from the video, it didn't look like it.  So after that I only ate chicken nuggets from McDonald's when I forgot about it and the weird part is that I never got fat from it, in fact I think I might be a little underweight.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Movie Review [Warning Spoiler Alert]

Movie Review

The latest movie that I watched was Daddy's Home and I thought it was really funny.  There was this step-dad and his wife's kids were finally beginning to like him and then the real dad of the children calls and is coming to visit them.  The step-dad brings him home and the wife really did not want the dad to visit them.  So then he stays with them for a while and tries to get his family back by doing cool things for his children like building a tree house or teaching his son how to fight and the step-dad does cool things too like giving his children Christmas in July and taking them to a Laker's Basketball Game.  In the end the step-dad is the winner but I think the actual dad was too because he got to live in a mansion across the street from his children and has a super model as a wife and now has one daughter and the dad of the daughter was played by John Cena.  His arms were bigger than my whole body.  Anyway that was a review of the movie Daddy's Home.

Monday, January 4, 2016

New years resolution

 New Year's Resolution
My new years resolution is to help my mom more around the house because sometimes I get a little lazy and sit on my couch and watch the walking dead or something.  Usually when she is washing dishes or taking care of her garden or cleaning the fish tank, that is when I either watch TV or watch Youtube.  But most of the time I play GTA 5 or Battlefront while she does everything.  I will probably just make a choir list and put me my sister and my other little sister on it.