Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Field Trip

We went to the Holocaust Museum in Skokie.  First what we did there was go in a really cool room and our instructor told us to look around the room.  We saw a whole bunch of names.  They were in English and in different languages.  They were all the names of the survivors of the holocaust. Now it was not all of the names but they were the names of people who came here after the holocaust.  It was very cool.  Next we went to the paintings.  Their was one that was amazing.  It was a picture of a beautiful place that had a little farm and a little river.  You could never tell that it was a concentration camp.  After that we went to go check out more stuff from the Holocaust like a train cart that they put Jews in to take them to concentration camps.  It was really cramped when just a tiny amount of my group went inside it.  After that we went to go watch a movie about a German Nazi that came into Skokie and he was going to throw a parade for all the Germans and celebrate how many lives were taken.  Fortunately he was to scared to do it and it did not happen.  Then at the end a actual survivor came in and he told us about when he went to a camp named Auschwitz and it was tragic.  He even a tattoo on is arm.  Anyway that was my field trip it was fun and sad but I am grateful I got to go.

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